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Jack and the Lusitania, London
Eko and the human eye, Perth, Australia
Train to Calcutta, India
Brothel, Bangkok, Thailand
Eko’s Doll, New South Wales, Australia
Clive’s Hammer, Queensland, Australia
Small creature from a cereal box, Wastwater, Cumbria, England
Last Ferry to Athens, Greece
Ferry from Naxos to Pireas, Greece
Mini Dhow, Lamu, Kenya
Woman in Moon Gate, Huaquing, China
Rickshaw puller, Calcutta, India
Hot spring, North-West Himalayas, India
Tibetan nomads, Chang Chu Thang, North-West Himalayas, India
Sisters, Jespa, North-West Himalayas, India
After the last train, Jaipur Train Station, India
Wind at Jespa, North-West Himalayas, India
South India
South China Hotel, Penang, Malaysia
Drunk girl, Manila, Philipines
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